Avatar the last airbender the swamp
Avatar the last airbender the swamp

avatar the last airbender the swamp

Huu reconstructed the swamp monster as a means of defense for the invasion of the Fire Nation. Due to Huu's lesson, Aang was able to use the connections in the swamp to track down Appa and Momo from whom they got separated after the storm.

avatar the last airbender the swamp

Once they arrived there, he taught the trio about the connection of all living things in the world, saying that " all the same roots, and all branches of the same tree." He explained that the swamp "told" people that they were still connected to their loved ones that had died, that "time an illusion, and so death". Upon learning of Aang's identity as the Avatar, Huu invited Aang and his friends to accompany him to the banyan-grove tree, located in the center of the swamp. With one final slice, Katara severed the wooden board that served as the monster's face, revealing that the monster was Huu all along.

avatar the last airbender the swamp

Huu's identity was eventually revealed when Katara sent numerous water slices at the monster in rapid succession, too quick for Huu to gather more vines in order to maintain his disguise. Huu entrapped Sokka in the vines and threatened to engulf him completely, but Katara used her ice breath to freeze the water in the vines ensnaring Sokka and used a powerful stream of water to free him completely. Aang and Katara immediately came to Sokka's aid, but the two benders had some trouble defeating the "monster". Huu, in the form of a plant monster, attacked them, not knowing Aang was the Avatar and wanting to protect the swamp from the machete-wielding Sokka. When a freak tornado caused Team Avatar to crash into the swamp, the team was separated.

Avatar the last airbender the swamp